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4 Places To Place Your Indoor and Outdoor Bench

Seating outside and reading your book while enjoying the scenery is one of the best ways to distress and enjoy little things in life. Hence, getting yourself a good seating experience is worth your investment, as well as your time, reading this blog. For most of you, probably the only time you will see an outdoor bench is when you go to the park, playground, or waiting room at the gym. But, with some creativity and tips (from us), you can decorate your home with benches and enhance the overall cozy experience.

There are some reasons why benches are better than chairs, depending on the condition, a bench should be your first choice for the functionality and cost. We will discuss how and where you should place your benches both indoors and outdoors.

  1. Bench for your Bedroom  

Usually, you will either sit on your bed or the one in front of your wife’s magic mirror, if you need a seat. Some people have set up their small office desk in their bedroom when they are just renting a room. Regardless of which setup you have, you can consider placing a bench right at the end side of your bed. Remember that, because it’s in the bedroom, you should buy one with a minimalist design with the right materials to fit your bedroom’s cozy environment.

                                                                                                               Margo Stool

A backless and armless bench made in teak will be perfect for this condition, as it not only takes less space in your bedroom but also adds a soft setup to your existing theme – unless you prefer harsh-looking material like stainless steel made the bench, which your toes will certainly hate if they could talk. Adding a soft cushion is also recommended for extra comfort, and it will look much more balanced and match your bed.

2. Sitting bench for your Doorway

How often do you enter someone’s house and have to hold the wall with one hand to take off your shoes? The worst case is when you are in a rush for work and just come back grocery, a seat can save your life. 

In some cultures like Asia, people take off their shoes before entering the house. Won’t it be nice if you can nicely sit down and take off your shoes without hassle? It can also help people will less ability to easily wear and take off their shoes. It will give a good impression to your guests the moment they enter your house.

Because it is near the entrance of the door, the bench you place there should be easy to clean and resistant to dirt. Therefore, avoid getting ones with a cushion, as the dust and dirt will quickly make them dull and dirty. Not to mention the bench should also be armless and backless to save space. A bench with a shelf is a plus! Your guest can store their shoes there for easy access.

                                                                                                         Neve Chair with Shelf 24

3. Outdoor Dining Bench  

Dining chairs go with the dining table, which is what people normally set up in their dining area. But replacing the chairs with an outdoor bench can be better sometimes, especially when you held gatherings often at your house, both indoors and outdoors. Bench provides flexibility, whereas one chair can only fit one person, a long bench can fit as many people as you like – sometimes squeezing together can be a fun and bonding time for you and your family and friends. 

For outdoor dining, be sure to get benches with a weather-resistant feature for direct sunlight and rain; your bench can go rot and rust pretty fast if not.

                                                                                                                 Siro Outdoor Bench

Most kids can’t sit for long; they like to move around. The bench might be able to solve the problem. A bench is like an open space where your kids can have different sitting positions when they get bored. 

4. Outdoor Bench for your Garden

This is pretty self-explanatory. Your garden is the place you want to get some fresh air and relax, after a long day. You know what is better? Hanging out with friends, talking non-stop with a cup of tea in your garden while enjoying the sunset together

For an outdoor garden, you will need an outdoor bench that comes with resistance to outside elements, such as treated teakwood, all-weather wicker, stainless steel, or powder-coated materials. These materials are great and suitable for outdoor conditions for years of use with less to no maintenance. It is best if it comes with a back and armrest.

                                                                                                                  Orva Arm Bench

Keep following our blogs as we will share more tips and DIY tutorials for your home-related topics. You can also check out the largest collection of outdoor benches in Malaysia when you are ready to upgrade your home.

Bought To You By Triconville Malaysia – Outdoor Furniture Store For Garden & Patio.

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